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About Us


The Heretic is an independent publication launched during the course of the unique and exciting events that unfolded during the year 2020. We came together with an idea to create a time capsule in a form of a publication that would shed a light on the changing landscape under our feet. In an attempt to make sense as well as capture the essence of the irreversible change and shift in consciousness that has taken place on a global scale, simultaneously. We are still feeling the aftershock of that upheaval and emergence, four years on where a pervasive lack of clarity persists.


Through this publications we want to amplify the voices of the heretics of the world, those that want to productively question, sit with the discomfort and confusion, and explore what they notice. We want to pose provocative questions, but not necessarily provide answers, for we believe that the quest is almost more important than the destination. And there the answers reveal themselves.


The Heretic is a non profit subsidiary of Heresy Consulting Ltd. We do not expect payments to feature contributors, nor do we offer monetary compensation for those that contribute. None of our editors make profit from this publication, whereby all profits made by your generous donations are used to cover only the
running costs. 

Meet the Team

Hala Abu-Maizer
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Hala is an international development professional with a strong interest in social change based in Amman, JO

Laurence Barrett
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Laurence is an organisational development consultant, coach
and author based in Brighton, UK
Richard Merrick
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Richard is a coach, organisational consultant, writer, and a community creator based in Derbyshire, UK

Our Contributors

Meet our contributors from our latest edition


Andy is a writer, facilitator and strategic advisor focused on ecological thinking, based in Aukland,
New Zealand


Craig is a professor, author, and consultant that writes and teaches at the intersection of psyche, story, and imagination. He is based in California, US


Erin is a professional working to bridge the growing understanding of the human condition with organisational development. She is based in Vancouver, Canada 


George is an executive coach, supervisor and facilitator based in Snowdonia,
United Kingdom


David is a film director, screenwriter, and Jungian coach-in-training, based in  Pennsylvania,
United States


James is an organisational change consultant working with founders and Small and Medium sized organisations (SMEs), based in Brighton, UK


Diane is a comedy writer and satirist, based in Brighton, United Kingdom


Jindy is a leadership coach, organisational consultant, group facilitator and masculinity researcher based in Berlin, Germany


Joss is a lifelong sustainability advocate and consultant who enjoys making music, kayaking and cycling. He is based near Guildford, United Kingdom


Linda is a psychotherapist and ecotherapist; she is Adjunct Faculty at Pacifica Graduate Institute based in California,
United States


Piers is a barrister, specialising in human rights and criminal law, based in London, United Kingdom


Judith is a facilitator and campaigner at the intersection of democracy and climate justice activism based in Barcelona, Spain


Luisa is an educational professional previously based in London, United Kingdom, who’s now running an eco-focused retreat venue and living largely off-grid in France


Kathryn is a trauma-informed coach and ecotherapist doing individual and group work based in Brussels, Belgium


Malika is a researcher, facilitator and activist with a dedication to social transformation. She is currently based in Berlin, Germany


Tony is a workplace experience strategist with a background in occupational and environmental health policy, based in Toronto, Canada


Kwame is a social entrepreneur engaged in democratising public policy and practices within the global cocoa industry, based in Manchester,
United Kingdom


Matthew is an archaeologist working on preserving cultural heritage, based in Amman, Jordan

the heretic

The Heretic is a subsidiary of Heresy Consulting Ltd

All rights reserved by Heresy Consulting Ltd 2023. Copyright is either owned by or licensed to The Heretic, or permitted by the original copyright holder. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited. Heresy Consulting Ltd recognises all copyright contained in this issue and we have made every effort to seek permission and to acknowledge the copyright holder. The Heretic tries to ensure that all information is correct at the time of publishing but cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions. The views expressed by authors are not necessarily thoseof the publisher. Registered in England and Wales No.8528304. Registered Office: The Ashridge Business Centre, 121 High St Berkhamsted, Herts, HP4 2DJ

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